Disaster Recovery

Logical Micro’s Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Service help to ensure that in the event of a disaster, your business can continue to run, with minimal downtime.

With the rise in the use of information technology and the reliance on business-critical information, the importance of protecting irreplaceable data has become a priority for most businesses. Studies have shown that two out of five businesses, that experience a disaster go out of business within 5 years of the event. Hence that disaster recovery planning is now generally recognised as a vital activity for any business.

We have developed expertise in business continuity / disaster recovery, data backup & restore to ensure business continuity. We also can advise on and supply preventative measures, fault-tolerant equipment, introduce redundancy and resiliency with both hardware and software.

Disaster Recovery is the process, policies and procedures of restoring operations critical to the smooth running of your business, including gaining access to hardware, software and critical data, communications and other business processes. For a successful recovery of all valuable records, a well established disaster recovery plan should be in place at the event of a disaster.

Logical Micro  can help safeguard your data and minimise downtime in the event of a crisis, while reducing the cost and complexity involved in protecting your valuable assets. Our disaster recovery consultation service will enable your organisation to plan for potential downtime caused by system failure or a major eventuality in your business, ranging from a server crash to a complete loss of all premises and IT systems.

Our report will cover all aspects of your internal network from servers, to PC’s and communications equipment. Details of each piece of equipment will be included in the report specifying how it may fail, how long a downtime can be expected, and steps that could be taken to reduce this downtime.

Benefits of a Disaster Recovery plan:

  • Enhanced business continuity
  • Reduces the need for decision making when disaster happens
  • Minimise downtime
  • Minimise interruption to routine operations
  • Business survival in the event of a serious incident
  • Preservation of Vital record and information assets


File server down or data corruption?
If you find yourself with the loss of a file server or the dreaded data corruption we can react quickly to get you up and running again. Contact us now for help… You don’t need a contract, we will do our best to help.

How can we Help?